Books about super8
There are many books about film, so which one should you read? Here are some examples this lab likes.
Books give you good background details about the job of film making. Some of them are hard to buy, but then there’s always the library. I have to confess that I did not ask all publishers permission for this publication. If you are a publisher and are offended by this page, please let me know. I know there are a lot more good books about super8 and film making, so if you can get your hands on one of them, just read the things you can get, and do not forget to switch off your computer.

Independent Film Making
Author: Lenny Lipton
Year: 1972 (copy from 1983)
ISBN: 0-671-46258-X
Language: English
This is a famous and important book for experimental film makers. It it full with tips and tricks how to make a film with less or no money. Do it yourself tips and various methods to make your own equipment that ‘professionals’ use. To bad that Lipton never wrote a new version that’s up to date because super8 has changed also. He could add several new chapters.

Foto Chemicaliën en Recepten
Author: J.J. Hansma + E. van Beugen
Year: 1967 (10th copy)
ISBN: not known (published by Focus N.V. Haarlem)
Language: Netherlands

Elseviers Grote Boek voor de Smalfilmer
Author: Elsevier Focus
Year: 1979
ISBN: 90-10-02852-5
Language: Netherlands
The original title is ‘The Book of Movie Photographie’ and this is the Dutch version. It is a absolute good book for movie lovers. Very much info about cameras, films, exposure, lightning, projecting, sound and much more. Do not forget to read the very useful camera and film types index/catalogue. You will find more images on this website taken out of this book.

Your Film and the Lab
Author: L. Bernard Happe
Year: 1978 (copy 1995)
ISBN: 0-240-51212-x
Language: English
Actually I should have started with this book because it learns readers how to ‘talk to the lab’. My experience tells me that not all customers understand lab techniques, so they do not know what can be done and what not. So it’s good for both if all speak the same technical language

Student Filmmaker’s Handbook
Author: Eastman Kodak Company
Year: 1990 (fourth edition 1998)
ISBN: 0-87985-800-1
Language: English
The Student Filmmaker’s Handbook is given to Dutch student from the ‘Film and Television Academy’ in Amsterdam. It tells the story about film making in a global way, and more detailed. Very nice.

Foto Chemicalien en Recepten
Author: J.J. Hansma
Year: 1956 (7th copy)
ISBN: not know (published by Focus N.V. Haarlem)
Language: Netherlands
‘Foto Chemicalien en Recepten’ by J.J. Hansma is a real handbook for the active ‘do-it-yourselve’ filmmaker and chemical lover. Learn how to mix chemicals, calculate chemicals, measure them and read and understand the results. For many funny hours in your photo darkroom.

mm2 ‘Experimentele film in The Netherlands from the 1960’s
Authors: A. Abrahams, M. Graveland, E. van ‘t Hart en P. Verhoof
Year: 2004, Filmbank / Uitgeverij de Balie
ISBN: 906617305x
Language: Dutch and English versions
Extra: DVD ‘Cadavre Exquis’ shows how five Dutch experimental filmmakers work in The Netherlands.
For sale at good bookstores or via Eye.

Super 8
Author: Jürgen Lossau
290 pages and about 300 colour images
ISBN 978-3-938619-03-2
Language: German and Engels
A masterpiece in the field of books on the super8 format. Invest in this book and read all about filmmaking is all it’s glory.

Schmalfilm 6/2008
Author: Fachverlag Schiele & Schön GmbH
ISSN: 0177-3739
Language: German
Editor: Jürgen Lossau
It was published: 6 times a year
Unfortunately the magazine has been ended.

small format
Author: Fachverlag Schiele & Schön GmbH
ISNN: 0177-3739
Language: English
Editor: Jürgen Lossau
It was published: 6 times a year
Unfortunately the magazine has been ended.

Cine 8-16
Author: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Amateurfilm & Kino, herr Wolfgang Schultz
Language: German
Editors: U. Brengel, E. Nuffer, R. Hoff, A. Bernd, U.M. Klein
Was published: 4 times a year
Unfortunately the magazine has been ended.

Super8 Today
Author: Chris Cottrill
Language: Engels
Super8 Today
Issue #12 available.
From the Publisher:
Super 8 Today is a professional quarterly print publication, an all-new magazine and the first of its kind coming from the U.S. in over 20 years. The magazine is devoted to all aspects of Super-8 filmmaking, be it from aspiring amateurs to today’s professionals.
Unfortunately the magazine has been ended.