Buy 16mm film rolls

Kodak introduced a new commercially successful amateur 16mm movie camera back in 1923. This film format is still being used and camera models can be found between €100 and many ten thousands of Euros in value.

There is a lot of choice in the world if you are shooting 16mm film, but S8RL only sells these five black/white emulsions. Black/white reversal film is sold only by a few labs around the work that can also develop them in doors, like here. There are endless possibilities to use 16mm film, from amateur film makers to professionals and artists.

Just to be clear about this, this laboratory does not sell and does not develop Kodak Vision3 colour negative films. That why these are not listed.

  • All prices are excluding shipping costs and 21% VAT.
  • If you receive a pre-paid sticker for processing (and transfer) it will be valid for 1 year without extra charge.