Visit to Norsk Smalfilm AS
21 Dec 2009
In the weekend of 21-22 November 2009 I visited Andreas Widerøe of the Norsk Smalfilm AS in Kristiansand, Norway .If you click the image you’ll see a large portrait picture that was taken after a long day’s of work :-) On you’re left we have Andreas and on the right side is Frank. We spoke a lot about film techniques, the super8 world in general, the future of our individual businesses, the internet en mostly of the used super8 telecine equipment that is used nowadays by many professional companies. During the comfortable and nice weekend we made a telecine with the Bosch FDL60 from Andreas. We scanned a super8 Wittnerchrome 40T that I also got transferred by several other companies. With this comparison I wanted to find out, or at least learn more about, where the differences are when you get your super8 film scanned. How big will you’re (video) files become, what are the sizes of still images in pixels, how big is the influence of the type of telecine machine that is being used and how about the details that one can get out of the original film. The analyse that we could make in that weekend turned out to be very useful for the both of us. All companies that joined in this test received each others results so they could make up their own minds. Now they know more about their own quality compared to that of others. If you want to view results you are welcome in my lab. These images will be kept in house because it was never the intention to make them public. I would advise you to make you’re own comparison because it’s definitely worth it.
[21 December 2009].