20th anniversary
4 May 2020
Dear super8 friends,
This week we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Super8 Reversal Lab with a complete new website. The user-friendly design makes all the information much more accessible, and I am delighted that it is now online and for everyone to see. I like to read your comments.
Thank you Lisa Dalhuijsen / Studio With for the design and construction of the new S8RL website, you did an amazing job.
Now is the moment to be happy and be proud of what has been achieved. So I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart, my family and my friends, but most of all everyone who shoots on FILM.
Film has always been, and super8 film in particular, the 2nd love of my life. The joy it brings, the brilliant memories you can create with super8 and the excitement of seeing the first images after processing are unbeatable.
So, now I invite you to go to the new website, and see what it has to offer super8 and 16mm filmmakers, what it can teach young enthusiasts and all the history it keeps for the present.
Thank you Corina, my one and only…
All the best, stay safe, stay healthy,
Frank Bruinsma
Founder and owner of Super8 Reversal Lab