Parallaxe Johan closes doors
30 May 2019
The only true photographic and motion vintage store in the Netherlands has gone. Johan who run his Parallaxe shop for a few decades with a lot of love, devotion and fun was forced to close his shop. The big f^%$#*ing investment guys simply killed it. The only thing these capitalistic people want is more and more money. Unfortunately we see this happening in the world, and there’s nothing we can do, but it does make us angry at people who own a lot of cash. So basically they asked such a high rent that is was impossible for Parallaxe to stay in business, you don’t have to be Einstein to understand that an analogue shop like this doesn’t has a large revenue. Johan closed his fantastic shop on January 1st, 2017.
I loot at this video (only Dutch language) with a lot of sorrow, because Johan meant a lot to the super8 community and he was a special character who did exactly what he wanted to do. People from all over Europe came to Amsterdam and to visit this shop. Johan was an analogue god, and his store was his church. Dear Johan, many thanks for all these years you run the shop! We will miss it!